Looking to Travel While in College? Study Abroad!

Melissa W.
Studying abroad is one of the most rewarding experiences a college student can have. It's a chance to immerse yourself in a new culture, learn a new language, and meet people from all over the world. It's also a great way to boost your resume and make yourself more competitive in the job market.

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How to Balance Being a Full-time Student with a Part-time Job

Melissa W.
Balancing being a full-time student with a part-time job can be challenging, but it is possible with careful planning and time management. With roughly 40% of full-time college students working at least a part time job, it's no surprise this balancing act is a popular topic. After all, you do need some spending money even if you’re living in a dorm on campus and have a meal plan set at the dining commons. Here are some tips to help you succeed:

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The Most Scenic College Campuses in the Fall

Melissa W.
Fall is one of the most beautiful times of year to visit or live on a college campus. The leaves change color, the air is crisp, and comfy sweaters come out of hiding. When you’re on one of the most scenic campuses in the fall, it feels like you’ve stepped out of your dorm room and into a scene from a movie or a page in a book. Here are a few of the top most scenic campuses in the US (spoiler alert: several are in New England and the Northeast, much to no surprise):

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The Most Popular College in America

Melissa W.
As you might imagine, the most popular college in America is a matter of opinion, but there are a few schools that consistently rank high in terms of popularity. These schools typically have strong academic reputations, selective admissions standards, and vibrant campus cultures.

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Which Type of College Campus Is Best For You?

Melissa W.
When choosing a college, in addition to the academic offerings, one of the most important factors to consider is the campus setting. The type of campus you choose can have a big impact on your college experience, affecting your social life, academic opportunities, and overall well-being. While each college campus is different from the other, all have their own set of benefits and drawbacks.

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Prep Tips for Freshman Dorm Move-In Day

Melissa W.
Preparing to move into your first college dorm for your freshman year can be both exciting and daunting! There are so many things to consider and this is likely your first time that you’ll be living on your own. As we approach college move-in season for our new Senior Class grads, we put together a few tips to consider that may be helpful in the coming weeks.

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Heating Up: Colleges Fighting Climate Change

Melissa W.
Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time, and colleges and universities are taking steps to address it. From reducing their own emissions to educating students about the issue, colleges are playing a vital role in the fight against climate change.

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Top 5 Colleges for Marine Biology

Melissa W.
Are you an ocean life enthusiast looking to take it to the next level, or a well-established adult who wishes you followed through on your dolphin trainer career dream as a 7 year old? Either way, this list is for you!

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The Education System in Morocco

Melissa W.
Morocco made history today by becoming the first African team to ever advance to the semi finals in the FIFA World Cup. Morocco is a country rich with culture, tourism, and known for its cuisine – but what is their education like? 

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Top 10 Colleges for World Cup-Quality Soccer Programs

Melissa Woelflein
It’s FIFA World Cup time! Hundreds of thousands of people from across the globe are glued to their televisions to watch the first FIFA World Cup ever hosted in an Arab nation. The event, which happens every 4 years and lasts a month, is typically held in May/June/July, but since Qatar’s climate is so hot, they pushed it to November with hopes of it cooling down. There’s a lot of controversy surrounding the 2022 World Cup and Americans are already looking ahead to 2026, when the US will host. Are you looking to be the next big thing in soccer? Check out these top 10 colleges in the US with high-ranking soccer programs, according to NCSA College Recruiting!

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